
Ocular surgery in Turkey

Lidssen Health offers solutions for all types of ocular and periocular health issues. We offer many types of treatments in all areas related to the eye, using state-of-the-art technologies.

Our goal is to use the latest, world-renowned technology and implement up-to-date diagnostic and treatment methods with skilled, specialised staff at our partner clinics to provide the best eye health services at affordable prices for everyone. We continuously raise our quality standards to provide the best eye health expertise, with the highest satisfaction rates.

Lidssen Health has selected the best eye surgery clinics in Turkey. They are located in Istanbul and are known for offering the highest quality in eye surgery. At our clinics, you will be taken care of by our highly qualified doctors. From appointment to aftercare, your dedicated English-speaking personal assistant will be available to guide you through every step of your treatment.

We are a medical tourism agency specialising in advising and assisting patients with their medical care in Istanbul. Our priority is to guarantee you the best treatment at the best prices, in complete transparency and in your language. Lidssen Health will be at your side every step of the way: from the estimate to the entire course of your medical journey.

The eye surgery and ophthalmology clinics and doctors selected by Lidssen Health in Istanbul are distinguished by their medical training, experience and expertise.

The types of eye surgeries


Laser, the most commonly used method of refractive surgery in the world, is also used to treat myopia, hyperopia and astigmatism. For patients who are not suitable for laser surgery, customized intraocular lens replacement surgeries are performed. Thanks to these procedures, you can get rid of your glasses.

The LASIK method is based on the principle of opening the cornea as a flap by cutting a thin layer on the top of the cornea, and dioptric correction with the "excimer laser" on the exposed corneal surface. The operations are performed by doctors who specialize in the treatment of eye diseases with the laser.


Patients who want to get rid of their glasses but are not eligible for laser treatment can get rid of their glasses thanks to intraocular lens surgery. In this technique, a 3 mm incision is made in the eye and the lens membrane is removed in a round shape. The natural lens of the eye is emulsified with an instrument that emits ultrasonic waves, suctioned out and then replaced with a new foldable lens. This method is called clear lens replacement. The lens is inserted into the eye through the 3 mm incision and body temperature changes it to its normal shape.


Cataracts are not a disease and can be treated with medication or glasses. There is no effective method that can stop the progression of cataracts, and only a pronounced cataract can be treated with surgery. Thanks to the latest technological tools, cataract surgery is performed painlessly, without needles or anesthesia, and patients can go home the same day.


The retina is a layer of the eyeball lining its back wall, which consists of light-sensitive cells. Retinal diseases threaten our sight directly. Diabetes and hypertension have adverse effects on all the body's systems, and their first and most important adverse effect occurs in the eyes. Dilatation of the retinal vessels and permeability impairments occur as a result of these diseases.
Early diagnosis, preventive medical therapy and undelayed accurate surgical intervention is of vital importance in retinal diseases. Retinal surgeries are performed by a team which has been specially trained for intraocular microsurgeries, using a comprehensive set of instruments and devices.

Glaucoma (High eye pressure)

Glaucoma, commonly known as “High Eye Pressure”, refers to the optic nerve damage caused by a frequently high intraocular pressure. Due to this disease, the patient's visual field gradually narrows. Glaucoma, an insidious disease, reveals itself only in its final phases and, in the event of late diagnosis, may cause significant and irreversible optic nerve damage.

Oculoplastic surgery

Oculoplastic and orbital surgery is a branch of ophthalmology that deals with eyelids, tear ducts, and orbital diseases. From the removal of bags under the eyes to ocular prostheses and intraocular tumor surgery to Botox, all types of treatments and plastic surgery applications are performed by oculoplastic and orbital surgery.

Lazy Eye (Amblyopia)

Amblyopia (lazy eye) is an eye disease in which one eye sees less than the other, or in which both eyes see less than normal, although there is no structural disorder of the eye or optic nerve. Vision is learned from birth. Our vision continues to develop as the brain develops and we learn to see in greater detail. If a condition occurs during this time that interferes with vision, such as one eye's diopter being higher than the other, that eye learns to see more blurry and becomes sluggish.


Strabismus is the misalignment of the eyes. There are 6 extraocular muscles in each eye. Strabismus occurs when one or more of them is too weak or too strong. While one eye looks straight ahead, the other may look in, out, up or down. Sometimes the deviation is seen in both eyes. The deviation of the eyes may be permanent or temporary, depending on the cause of strabismus. There is no single cause of strabismus. Strabismus can occur for a variety of reasons.