What are the hygiene and dietary rules before and after a plastic surgery?

16 October 2021

The diet of plastic surgery:

To have a healthy body it is essential to lead a healthy life style. In particular, quitting bad habits such as smoking or drinking alcohol excessively, but overall, the most important step, is to follow a healthy diet.


“We are what we eat”, the maxim quite tells the truth, since food is our source of energy and growth. The healthier and more balanced your diet is, the healthier and longer you will live.


What influence does our diet have on the recovery process after surgery?

If you are undergoing surgery soon or just had one, it is important that you know what kind of food to turn to before and after the procedure as it has a significant impact on healing time, swelling, scarring and risk of infection.


In fact, it is really important to eat well after surgery especially if it is an invasive procedure, for example, a facelift does not have the same impact on the body as a tummy tuck or breast operation do, as the latter two procedures are much more aggressive on the body.


Here is how your diet affects your recovery process:

It speeds up the wound healing process

It reduces the likelihood of suffering from post-operative complications

It ensures that the blood lost during the operation can regenerate more easily

It provides the necessary defenses to strengthen the immune system

It repairs skin, blood vessels and other tissues effectively

It boost energy, which helps you to feel better physically and mentally

What should I eat before and after a plastic surgery?

As plastic surgery experts, we want you to learn what to eat and what to avoid for a quick recovery and successful surgical outcome. 
Plastic surgery is generally scheduled weeks or months in advance. You can use this to your advantage by eating more foods that contain the nutrients your body needs for recovery.


Water: For a smooth healing process, it is essential to stay hydrated. It is recommended that you drink about 2 liters of water per day. Water ensures that any impurities (medications, anesthetics, etc.) or residues left after surgery are easily eliminated through the kidneys and intestines. It also helps to stabilize metabolism and prevent fatigue.


Good hydration also helps to reduce joint pain and facilitate the healing process.


Protein: Protein is an essential nutrient in the generation of new blood cells and collagen. Collagen is the building block for skin, muscles, tendons, bones, and all of the physical structures that need to heal after surgery. Protein is also vital for a strong immune system.


What fruits and vegetables are most indicated after surgery?

Daily consumption of fruits and vegetables is essential after surgery. Certain fruits and vegetables, in particular, are very helpful in your recovery process because they will give you an extra dose of vitamins and minerals necessary for your convalescence.

Vitamin A

Foods rich in vitamin A help you heal better and promote epithelialization (tissue formation), they also stimulate your immune system. Green leafy vegetables are particularly rich in vitamin A; this is especially true for lettuce, kale, and spinach. The orange colored foods are also packed with vitamin A: pumpkin, carrots, melon, apricots, papaya and mango contain a large amount of this type of vitamin.

Vitamin C

After surgery, it is important that the body's defenses are in good shape. Therefore, it is highly recommended to consume foods that are rich in vitamin C. This vitamin also promotes the formation of collagen and serves as an antioxidant, crucial factors for tissue regeneration and maintenance. You can find vitamin C in large quantities in citrus fruits, peppers, strawberries and dark green leafy vegetables.


The consumption of iron is essential following a surgical intervention because the patient loses a significant amount of blood. Blood is involved in the renewal of red blood cells. Therefore, it is good to eat seafood (clams, mussels, etc.), blue fish, liver, eggs, legumes, spinach or even dried fruit.


Zinc is a mineral that helps strengthen the immune system and is involved in the healing process by synthesizing proteins and contributing to cell growth. Thus, it is recommended to consume foods rich in zinc, such as seafood, pumpkin seeds, almonds, hazelnuts, figs, mushrooms or even dark chocolate (the higher the cocoa content, the better).


What to Avoid Before and after a Surgery?


Before Surgery


Prohibited medical products are anticoagulants, such as aspirin.


About a month before surgery, limit salt, sugar, and refined carbohydrates such as white flour and white rice. All of these foods can increase inflammation and suppress the immune system.


Two weeks before surgery, eliminate all vitamin and herbal supplements, omega-3 capsules, as well as ginger, green tea, flaxseed, cayenne pepper, eggplant, garlic, tomatoes, potatoes, sour cherries, and pomegranates. Also avoid alcohol, caffeine and artificial sweeteners.


After a Surgery

Avoid saturated fat, salt, sugar, caffeine, alcohol, and refined carbohydrates for at least one month after surgery. After a week you can resume taking vitamins and herbal supplements.


It is rare that you will have a large appetite after surgery. Eating fat causes weight gain and generally leads to more difficult digestion. That is why it is recommended to avoid industrial foods, fried foods, pastries, etc. that are high in saturated fats.


Aesthetic medicine allows the patient to present the desired appearance. However, you must do something yourself to maintain the desired figure for many years. Be sure to eat a balanced diet, so that you can a faster and better recover from the surgery.


One more important step to follow before an operation of plastic surgery are hygiene-dietetic rules:

Walk as much as possible, keep yourself active.

Learn to stress less.

Try to get enough sleep.

Remember, a healthy body leads to a healthy mind!